Free Custom Soap (while supplies last)
Free Sample Post-it Super Sticky Notes

Kids Eat Free at IKEA
Monday July 26th- Sunday August 15th, 2010

Lowe's Build & Grow Clinic
Attend a FREE Lowe's Build & Grow Clinic this Summer and receive a coupon for a FREE Junior Frosty from Wendy's.
Saturday, August 14: Build a Bug Box
Saturday, August 28: Build a School Bus
$10 off a $10 purchase at JCPenny online. Just enter TEN2YOU at checkout. Right now shipping is FREE on all shoes and they have a few clearance shoes for around $10. I just bought my toddler some Lightning McQueen light up shoes on clearance for $20 and ended up paying $10 with free shipping. I tried to get some sandals and other shoes, but they were out of stock on a lot of them.
Free music downloads from Amazon
This weeks FREE music and samples at WalMart
And don't forget that it is Mega Swag Buck Friday!
Here is my tip that will get you more Swag Bucks.
If you don't know what Swag Bucks are they are like frequent flyer miles for the internet. You basically get paid for searching the internet. Click on the button above to start a free account and get 30 FREE Swag Bucks.
My new work-out game that I ordered from Amazon with swag bucks just came in the mail this week! My son was excited when he saw that I bought a Wii game, but bummed when he saw what game it was. Hey, I never buy stuff for myself and I used my last Amazon gift card on my kids. Also, today I just got $25 more in Amazon gift cards from swag bucks. Hmmm, what to buy MYSELF next???