FREE Music from Amazon

You have to sign up quickly for these because they fill up fast. My local Lowes always has extra kits and we are able to make them without signing up. Check with your local Lowes if you are not able to sign up. Along with the free kit, your child will also get an apron, goggles and a patch.

Emergen-C Free Sample

Every year until your child is ten, you will receive a party planner with a special offer, and a card and gift from Geoffrey. When you take them to Toys R Us your child will receive a paper birthday crown and a Geoffrey balloon and an announcement over the intercom that a special birthday guest has arrived.
My kids have been signed up for this for the last 5 years and it has become one of their favorite birthday traditions.

FREE two-year subscription to LEGO Club Jr.

FREE Board Book from Leap Frog

You listed some great deals. My grandkids would love some of it. Ben's a lego fan. lol. Thanks for stopping by junkblossoms. We hope you will visit often. Pat.